Training For Both Ends

of the Leash

We recommend Muenster Pet Foods as an excellent training treat option!

What Makes Us Different?

Two Paws Up Dog Training, LLC clients enjoy learning as their dog is learning better behavior!

Our clients enjoy training using the most current, science based training methods. Dogs learn to behave more consistently with predictability and reinforcement, not through fear, force, or intimidation. This results in better behavior and a better relationship!

What is Modern, Science Based Training?

When hiring a dog trainer it is up to you to make the right choice for you and your dog. Methods differ from trainer to trainer, and some rely solely on punitive actions to punish the dog for mistakes. Others, known as “balanced trainers”, may use a combination of rewards and physical corrections during training.

Modern, science based trainers use a combination of rewards for the right behavior, removal of rewards for the wrong behavior, and encourage management of the environment to help the dog learn. For more information on how to chose a dog trainer, visit the American Veterinary Society of Animal Behavior website.

Happy Dogs and Happy Owners.

It all starts with the relationship!

How We Can Help

Two Paws Up Dog Training, LLC offers the following services:

  • Limited Private training appointments in the Lead, Deadwood, and Spearfish areas

  • Classes in Rapid City

  • Virtual training appointments for clients in other areas